*Restrictions apply

About Adequan i.m.

What is Adequan® i.m.?
How does Adequan i.m. work?
How fast does Adequan i.m. work?
Are oral glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate products suggested to be utilized while using Adequan i.m.?
What is the difference between FDA-approved prescription Adequan i.m. and over-the-counter products?

Product Details*

Can I still use an expired vial if it’s unopened? What about if the expired vial is opened with a lot of product left?
I have an opened vial that is not expired, but hasn’t been used in a while. Can I still use it?
What should I do if my veterinarian has prescribed an alternate route of administration or a regimen that differs from Adequan i.m. published information?
Where do I administer the injection?
A dose was missed and the 4-week regimen was not finished. Can the regimen just be restarted?
Do I have to keep Adequan i.m. refrigerated?
What should I do if my veterinarian provided storage information that differs from the Adequan i.m. published information?
What should I do if Adequan i.m. product was shipped in a method that differs from the recommended storage?

About arthritis

Is there a specific conformation type that may be more likely to develop non-infectious DJD? (For example, a horse that toes out or a horse with straight hocks, etc.)
With respect to different disciplines, would a hunter-jumper or eventer be more susceptible to arthritis than a cutting or reining horse?

Safety information

Are there precautions for the use of Adequan i.m.?
Are there any warnings for Adequan i.m.?
Are there age or breed restrictions for Adequan i.m.?
Is Adequan i.m. approved for pregnant or lactating mares or breeding stallions?

For more information

Who can I call with questions about Adequan i.m.?
Can horse owners purchase Adequan i.m. directly from American Regent Animal Health?
Need assistance or want more details?

For more information

Who can I call with questions about Adequan i.m.?
Can horse owners purchase Adequan i.m. directly from American Regent Animal Health?
Need assistance or want more details?

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Your information will be used by American Regent Animal Health to send you news and information about equine osteoarthritis and degenerative joint disease, Adequan® i.m., BetaVet® and other American Regent Animal Health products. We may use your information to help target future content, so we are only sending you relevant information. We will never sell your information to unaffiliated third parties. Once you start receiving news and information, you may opt out from future communications at any time.

  1. Kim DY, Taylor HW, Moore RM, Paulsen DB, Cho DY. Articular chondrocyte apoptosis in equine osteoarthritis. The Veterinary Journal. 2003;166:52-57.
  2. Burba DJ, Collier MA, DeBault LE, Hanson-Painton O, Thompson HC, Holder CL: In vivo kinetic study on uptake and distribution of intramuscular tritium-labeled polysulfated glycosaminoglycan in equine body fluid compartments and articular cartilage in an osteochondral defect model. J Equine Vet Sci. 1993;13:696-703.
  3. McIlwraith CW, Frisbie DD, Kawcak CE, van Weeren PR. Joint Disease in the Horse. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier, 2016;33-48.
  4. Adequan® i.m. (polysulfated glycosaminoglycan), Package Insert. American Regent, Inc.

*CAUTION: Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.